Friday, February 24, 2012


My book FOR EVERYONE: WORDS AND PAINTINGS was launched on Thursday night. And it was a fantastic night too. Scott Emerson MP, Queensland State Member for Indooroopilly and Shadow Minister for the Arts [as well as Transport and Multicultural Affairs] launched FOR EVERYONE. Around 90 people came to the event, on a miserably wet night too. Thank you to all of you!

I've uploaded some photos of the exhibition and some from the launch.

The exhibition showcases the thirty original paintings inside FOR EVERYONE. Click here for more details.

The exhibition is at FireWorks Gallery 52A Doggett St, Newstead, Brisbane.
Gallery Hours: Tuesday - Friday 10 am - 6 pm Saturday 10 am - 4 pm
07 3216 1250

Good News!!!
The exhibition has been extended until Friday March 2nd! Thursday night extended to 7.30 pm!

Achievement, Alone, Excitement Within, Asleep: All gouache on paper

Dare to Be, Behind The Mask, Inspiration Calling, Disappearance: All gouache on paper

 Keyhole, Listen, Inner Child, Beyond The Boundaries: All gouache on paper

Now to some photos from the launch night!

Me with Scott Emerson MP...and FOR EVERYONE

Speech making Me with Scott Emerson MP and the Director of FireWorks, Michael Eather watching.

Scott Emerson MP, Me and Director of FireWorks Gallery, Michael Eather.

Book sales are going really well. Two people returned today to buy more books! Plus a number of people who could not get to the launch came along today and bought books.

Please click HERE for more details about FOR EVERYONE...where to buy etc. It is available online many online book selling sites plus GOMA and Queensland Art Gallery Bookstores.
It is also available as an e-book...BUT only in colour in the USA with a Kindle Fire


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