Friday, February 24, 2012

This week in pictures...

Another week has flown by! Lets see what we did.


We went to church for the morning service.
Here is little Em ready for church. She has her water bottle and little folder where she keeps her "homework" for her kids class:


We went to the mall with the family, I had to return some things and figured to make a day of it. We usually never eat at the mall, but we were hungry and the little man fell asleep in the stroller and we did not want to wake him to put him into the car, we figured we might as well eat.

Hubby had a healthy version of fast food:

I had BAD food. But when I smelled the orange chicken coming down from the food court, I just could not resist. Shame on me.


Posted my living room tour on Monday

We had some delicious minestrone soup for dinner

This is how my kitchen looks like when I am cooking or baking. MESSY!
So when I am done cooking, not only do I have to clean my mess but also the kids mess. Fun!


Little EM had an eye check up (for her lazy eye). The doctor was very pleased at the result of her wearing glasses everyday. So we are not going to be have to be doing the eye muscle surgery at this time. She is to keep wearing her glasses every day for the next 4 months and then we will come in for another check up. Thank God!

Little Em was such a good patient, as a reward we went to Burgerville for some chicken strips, I think she mainly wanted to go there because they give balloons to the kids, Ha Ha!

Little Man and I


We ran errands all day: The post office, the craft store, grocery store, costco...

we also did some shopping at pier one


We spent all day home on Thursday, I cleaned the house and
I worked on a sewing project. Here is a little sneak peek on that. I will post the finished project once I get my camera back.


Got the amber necklace in the mail! How do you feel about using the amber necklace?
The little man has been so fussy lately because of more teeth coming in. I hope this helps.

I will let you know my thoughts on it once we use it a bit

That wraps up our week!

Thank you so much for visiting my blog. If you have a "weekly" post please leave a link in the comments, I would love to stop by and take a look at your week.

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