Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Day in Life of a SAHM

I LOVE watching vlogs and reading blog posts on "day in life".

Seriously, call me weird.. but there is something about it that I find interesting.

I decided to do a post on what a typical day looks like for me.
I apologize for the lighting and quality of some photos, some were taken by a cell phone camera, and this was today (2/8/12) I did not want to edit all of these pics,
So this is the real deal ladies!

I didn't include all diaper changes and nursing on this post (but I promise I did both)

Here is what we did today!

We (me and the kido's) got out of bed at 9:38am
Before the kido's got up, I listen to the bible on my i phone, this is the only time I find the time to read the bible during my busy days.

(see all of my chocolate wrappers and laughing cow wrappers from last night?
tsk tsk I know..)

We washed up, brushed our teeth and got dressed:

I threw the diapers into the wash.
Cold rinse cycle:

I tidied up my room and bathroom:

"Prettied" up myself :)
Well.. at-least made myself presentable

I wash my makeup brushes every Wednesday, so no exception today..

By now, the cold rinse cycle was done on the diapers, so I put in some detergent and turned on the wash cycle:

We finally got down to the kitchen:

First thing first, I always check out our menu every morning to see if I need to take any meat out to thaw or any special things I need to do for dinner.
Nope, no meat.... just pasta fresca tonight:

As I prep breakfast, I like to watch some you tube videos.
A little bit of beauty, family and cooking tips....

Getting my green tea and vitamins ready...

Today we are having fried eggs with turkey bacon

Just as we are about to sit down to eat, little man spills Em's water all over himself!

After the change of clothes, we are finally ready to have breakfast.
(do you see how everything is out of the little man's reach? He thinks its funny to throw everything on the floor these days)

Done with breakfast, Ha!
Some people are having lunch already.. but nope, not us. We just had breakfast
(No, I am not proud of this)

After breakfast, the diapers were done washing
I threw them into the dryer

Little Em showing off her coloring she just did

Meanwhile, Little Man decided to get into the chalk box

At 11:30, little man needed cuddles and nursing...

Then I worked on a few bow clips for little Em

Stuffed and folded diapers at 12:44

Its almost lunch time, lets clean up this mess!

So much better!

No left overs from last night, so we had noodle soup
(its good to keep some on hand for days like this)

After lunch it is our "quiet" time
Little man fell asleep

Little Em got to watch leapfrog and had to write the letters on her erase board
as they came up...

I used this time to plan next weeks meals
and make the shopping lists

While having some tea and a few chocolates..

While making our weekly shopping list, I clean and organize our fridge to see if we need anything...

My grocery lists are done and meals are planned for the next week

Did some more laundry

Little man woke up!

As soon as the little man woke up, I nursed him and had both
of the kido's play in the play room while I cleaned the downstairs

3 pm
So clean.... I wonder how long this will last

I am having a little valentine party for the kido's on Sunday, so I set up my dessert table

Play time!


Sooo.... remember how clean it was at 3pm?
Well this is an hour later... What can I say... I have a 1 and 4 year old!

Making pasta fresca for dinner

Last load of laundry for the day... Yippee!!!

Hubby came home, so I decided to run to one of the grocery stores... This way I only need to go to one grocery store tomorrow.

Back from the grocery store and unpacked at 5:37!
That has to be some record for me
(hubby had to leave at 5:45 for an appointment, that's the reason for the rush)

Dinner @ 5:48 With the kidos

mmmm... berries for dessert!

Washed all the dishes and cleaned the kitchen after dinner

Bath time for the kidos!

Kido's in their PJs at 6:46pm

Since hubby wasn't home to watch the kido's,
I had them brush their teeth while I showered
(They actually just played with the water, but whatever keeps them busy for a few minutes)

That was a quick shower!
Hey, I am used to it. At least I got to take a shower :)

My facial moisturizing routine

Story time!

After reading 4 books (we just went to the library yesterday so we got lots of new books)
we played a bit

Little Em decides she is hungry
So some milk, crackers and yogurt it is!

Then hubby got home and played with the kidos..
While I read a few blog posts..

At 8:50pm, I caught little man playing with my makeup!

So I got both of the kidos into bed..

And at 9:36pm... They were both sound asleep...

After the kido's were asleep, Hubby made us some tea
and guess what? I had more chocolate. (what can I say, I love chocolate)

What a day!

When you think about it, I stayed home most of the day and just ran to the store for an hour. But it feels like I did so many things. On days like this, when hubby asks me what we did today, I say "nothing much" but this day was so busy for me. Do all the little things not count?

I have to say, this was really fun for me to do. Every day is different for us. No day is ever the same, that is the joy of being a stay at home mom!

I encourage you ladies to do a post like this and link it up in the comments!

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