Tuesday, May 31, 2011


I was just about to load up a new image when my trusty, old computer died. This happened on Sunday. So, I took my computer to the fixit place hoping that it was going to be a simple diagnosis. But, NOOOOO!

I have ordered a new computer...thus I am anxious. Thankfully my hard drive is ok and all my stuff can be transferred to the new computer. But, I will have to learn how to negotiate my way around new software...my old computer's operating system was XP and a lot has happened since then. Hopefully I will be up and running...and in love...with my new computer by tomorrow afternoon...well in love by Sunday when I will have sussed out everything. My Dad is a HAM Radio man and I grew up with the latest of technology...I think that's why I am not too overawed by the latest and greatest of tech developments. However, as a result of genetics I am quite techno intuitive, so will enjoy putting my IT hat on for a few days. One of my brothers is in supercomputing...now that's impressive!

So for regular readers of my BLOG there is a hiatus where there are no images of paintings. My daughter's computer, which I am using now, does not have an image programme that reduces file size...so no images of the new painting I finished on Sunday. I don't upload 300 dpi images of art to protect from copying.

But, this hiatus gives me an opportunity to provide some interesting links. One is an article written by a lawyer [with a PhD] about the consultative process here in Australia...and probably similarly overseas re: Coal Seam Gas. It is a very probing article which clearly illustrates the need for a more representative consultative process with a fundamental decision making basis in science. His statements about cumulative problems, plus an inference about how to represent future generations are insightful.  http://www.independentaustralia.net/2011/queensland/resolving-the-csg-crisis-through-proper-public-participation/ 

The next article is written by a biochemist Dr. Gideon Polya. It is scientific rebuttal of the assumption that gas is cleaner and greener than other fossil fuels...yes gas is a fossil fuel. This article is a MUST read as it is not long and can be easily understood by the layman. Polya's description of the potential future is awful and is a reminder that today we must find ways to represent future generations.     

I did upload an image of myself conducting a workshop on Saturday, but it did not upload properly. So, no photos today.
 Maybe you'd like to check out my 'Water and Gas Gallery' on my website...link below.


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