Saturday, January 7, 2012

Washington DC with NAWA artists!

Yesterday was spent touring the WHITE HOUSE and the downtown area of Washington DC. Mark Maheffey, Kathleen Alexander, Keiko Tanabe, Rosie Maheffey, Tom Alexander had a great day!

The White House... of course... was exceptional. We even saw Geitner walk into a meeting with Secret Service following. Very impressive!

We learned that Dolly Madison saved the unique portrait of George Washington from fire in 1812.. when the British burned down the White House.

After the tour-- we had lunch at Old Ebbits Grill -- famous for their crabcakes.

Then... we walked Pennsylvania Avenue towards the National Gallery.

We toured the West Wing-- and saw Da Vinci, Rembrandt, and so many masters! It was divine!

I loved being with my friends and touring the collection.

Then we headed to the East Wing-- and saw some gorgeous tapestries and the contemporary collection.

After fueling again with tea and cookies-- we headed for a stroll to the Capitol to photograph it at twilight.

I found a perfect vantage point-- at sunset with the moon in the sky and the reflection in the tidal basin.

Such a great day yesteday!!

Today will be fun too!

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