Today's entry features the mighty talent of George Perez!
Now this will actually be the second time that George Perez has made a high-profile entry into the Superman line, with the first being the helming of Action Comics when it returned to a monthly after its stint as Action Comics Weekly. For whatever reason, his time on the title never panned out, and he left the title with the potential for a great run never realized. Here's hoping the second time doesn't set a pattern.
That wasn't however, the first time George Perez got the chance to draw Superman. For that, we have to go back another eight years or so to some of Perez' earliest DC work in the pages of Justice League of America #185.

In looking at that panel, you can definitely see the beginning of the George Perez style. The funny thing is, however, is that I see it in the rubble and background more than with Superman himself!
George Perez is definitely famous for his massive crowd shots and dense illustration, but hands down, he's the best rubble illustrator in the business...and he's got three decades of work to prove it.
Script by Gerry Conway
Pencils by George Perez
Inks by Frank McLaughin
Colors by Gene D'Angelo
Letters by Todd Klein
Justice League of America #185
Crisis On Apokolips or Darkseid Rising!
December 1980
Copyright (c) DC Comics
Pencils by George Perez
Inks by Frank McLaughin
Colors by Gene D'Angelo
Letters by Todd Klein
Justice League of America #185
Crisis On Apokolips or Darkseid Rising!
December 1980
Copyright (c) DC Comics
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