Thursday, March 4, 2010

Shelter From The Storm: New Pages

Hello Cupcakes!*

I'm taking off for a psychobilly show in Chicago this weekend with my brother and sis! But before I take off to make mayhem in the windy city, here are a few peeks at the latest studio Tinkerings:

I've been keeping a goddess inspired art journal for a course and this week's entry is based on the electric and beautiful bard-like lyrics of Bob Dylan's Shelter From The Storm. (Ask anyone around me--I'm on a Dylan kick this week.) I've been puttering a lot with tracing paper and masking tape:

An in-progress portrait for my painting strategies course:

I have more painting bits...but blogger is posting them upside-down and silly like. Boo!

I am supposed to be creating a visual diary of my daily doings for my illustration course: making a drawing about conversations we have, places we go, things we notice. I've been scribbling these out either on my lunch break or while waiting for a dryer at the laundromat. Here are a few of this weeks day-in-the-life doodles:

More work to come as soon as Blogger is done being willy-nilly!

What have you been up to, my pretties?

For now, I'm off to pack!

Until Next Time, Dearies--

Much Joy and Merry Making!

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