Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Breathing Space: Rubble Ringmaster

Hello Kittens!*
My plane just landed in Milwaukee mere hours ago--back from a whizbang 4 day holiday and homework extravaganza out east. (I'll be posting pictures shortly!) What a treat that the first bit of blogging I partake in after a break is Wishcasting Wednesday? Delicious. This week our wishtress Jamie asks us, "What do you wish to take a break from?"

I'd really like to take a break from JuNk. CLuTtEr. STUFF.

Art Journal entry from last week...

A few weeks ago, Muffin and I decided it was time to move--Our space doesn't suit us anymore, the grime of our current abode due to landlord neglect is unbearable and we feel like we're just a magnet for junk. Example: I have 3 sets of dishes...and no dining room table. :P We're suffocating under stuff--stuff we don't have emotional attachment too or any real need of.

I was pleasantly surprised when Muffin, generally a very cerebral logical guys-guy said flat out,

"It just feels like it's time to go."

I couldn't agree more.

We found a place that's perfect for us, signed the lease and we're moving in 4 weeks.

Time to pack it up and move this gypsy caravan. :)

I wish to take a break from this not-so-hot-Hot-Mess!
To hone the hodgepodge--
Clear the chaos!
Get ready, kids--
it's a rubble ringmaster!

Time to make some sacred breathing space--
Formulate a Fresh Start--
Domestic Goddess powers Activate!

What do YOU wish to take a break from, dumplings?
Until Next Time-
Much Joy and Merry Making~*

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