Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Narcissus 'Misty Glen' takes home the Wister Award

Narcissus 'Misty Glen'
Photo courtesy of DaffSeek and Colorblends Flowerbulbs.

The what award?

We all watched the Academy Awards two weeks ago. The Wister Award is the daffodil version of the Oscar for Lifetime Achievement. 'Misty Glen' is pictured above--she's wearing white, which was not as big as silver on the red carpet this year, but elegant nevertheless. 'Misty Glen' is still clutching her Wister, presented to her last weekend by the American Daffodil Society at their National Convention.

To earn this honor 'Misty Glen' was required to be a "good grower" with a "floriferous habit", "showy at a distance" and "resistant to basal rot".

In her acceptance speech she thanked her parents, 'Easter Moon' and 'Pigeon'; her hybridizer, Frederick Board; the bulb sellers who promoted her in the horticultural community; and the many home gardeners who gave her the opportunity to perform in their front yards.

I'm going to offer her a starring role in my garden next year. If you live in USDA Zones 4-8 you could do the same. Industry sources say she's not a prima donna.

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