Sunday, March 28, 2010

Full Moon Dreaming: The Lady Fox

Merry Full Moon, Crumpets!*
This springtime Moon snuck up on me--truly. This cycle I'm trying to funnel my energies into a focus, a direction. I'll be honest--blogheart to blogheart--I've been panicking. I have one semester of school left before I graduate, lose my job and am catapulted into the Big Bad World. I'm being bombarded from every direction with Doom: "The economy is terrible. Things will never be the same." "Why would you go to art school? What are you going to do with that?" "I'm clinging to Jesus, American's losing jobs is a sign of the end times." "Well, good thing you have a boyfriend, at least you won't starve."

The "boyfriend" comment is my favorite to date. :)

Though I am unwilling to subscribe to the defeatist End of Days theory, I do fret about where the heck I'm going to wind up after I earn my degree.

-Story Time-
I had an interesting dream a few nights ago after spending hours mulling and worrying: I was walking in an alley late at night, there was a low fog crawling around when a red fox walked up to me. She had big yellow eyes and in a ladies voice she said,
"you know where to go."

We talked for a while and though I can't recall the entire conversation I do remember waking up grinning.

This month's dream board is devoted to Exploring Options, being open to opportunities, fiercely focusing on finishing the work that needs to be done and allowing myself to be gently guided in the Right Direction.

What are your intentions?
Wish Wildly and Wide-ly, My Pretties!
Until Next Time--
Much Joy and Merry Making!

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