Sunday, February 28, 2010

Full Moon Dream Board: Present!

Merry Full Moon, Cherubs!*

One Question: Where the hell did February go? The last few wintry weeks have been a blur! How serendipitous that the Full Moon and Switch Off Sunday coincided so beautifully--time to sip coffee and set intentions. This cycle, my Full Moon my focus is to Be Present.

I've been swimming around in my head a lot lately--and my arms are getting tired. I'm doing a LOT but not getting anything done, food isn't nourishment it's a nuisance and conversations escape me because while Body is slouching in the chair Brain is off in another dimension worrying nit-wit worries.

*Gentle Slap from The Universe*

"Step out of the echo chamber, Lady!"


This cycle I intend to get hip to the Here and Now.

Use my hands, feel my face,

feed it real food and wear silly stockings.

Be my body's new best friend.

Get on the boat to Lucidity City.


they're all the rage in Europe.

Count clouds. Study the Cards.

Be grounded--

every step a little kiss to Mama Gaia.


And kisses to all of you! Until Next Time, dearies--

Much Joy and Merry Making!

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