Psyche Opening the Door into Cupid's Garden, c. 1904,
J.W. Waterhouse (1849-1917)*
Who knew Cupid was a gardener? Of course he used a classical landscape design. And a whole lotta lawn. But Cupid's not to blame; the anti-lawn movement was centuries in the future.
We're in Cupid's favorite week with you-know-what in the air. These are my garden loves. Yours too?
- Striped flowers
- Nibbling the first leaves of agastache
- Wild violets
- Rangy rhododendrons
- Garden swings
- Afternoon sun shining through redbud leaves
- Crows yelling at each other while they roost for the night
I got an early Valentine when the inspiring blogger Deja Pseu at Une femme d'un certain age tossed a Beautiful Blogger Award my way. In return I had to list seven things about myself. If you are a femme and hitting un certain age, drop those seed catalogs and rush to her always fab blog.
My Valentine to Deja Pseu--a candy heart that says TRÈS CHIC.
P.S. Gardening chic is not an oxymoron if you follow Angela's advice at Gardening in my Rubber Boots: use Armor All to shine up your Hunter Wellington boots. What do you bet Psyche had Wellies on with that pink gown of hers?
*Mr. Waterhouse was an English painter. This painting is in the collection of the Harris Museum, Preston, Lancashire, England.
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