Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Cupid's garden

Psyche Opening the Door into Cupid's Garden, c. 1904,
J.W. Waterhouse (1849-1917)*

Who knew Cupid was a gardener? Of course he used a classical landscape design. And a whole lotta lawn. But Cupid's not to blame; the anti-lawn movement was centuries in the future.

We're in Cupid's favorite week with you-know-what in the air. These are my garden loves. Yours too?

  1. Striped flowers
  2. Nibbling the first leaves of agastache
  3. Wild violets
  4. Rangy rhododendrons
  5. Garden swings
  6. Afternoon sun shining through redbud leaves
  7. Crows yelling at each other while they roost for the night

I got an early Valentine when the inspiring blogger Deja Pseu at Une femme d'un certain age tossed a Beautiful Blogger Award my way. In return I had to list seven things about myself. If you are a femme and hitting un certain age, drop those seed catalogs and rush to her always fab blog.

My Valentine to Deja Pseu--a candy heart that says TRÈS CHIC.

P.S. Gardening chic is not an oxymoron if you follow Angela's advice at Gardening in my Rubber Boots: use Armor All to shine up your Hunter Wellington boots. What do you bet Psyche had Wellies on with that pink gown of hers?

*Mr. Waterhouse was an English painter. This painting is in the collection of the Harris Museum, Preston, Lancashire, England.

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