Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Wishcastin Wednesday: A Giddy Up in The Get Down

Hello Cherubs!*

It's Wishcasting Wednesday--already?! This week our Wishstress Jamie Asks us: Where do you wish to make a difference? I wish to make a difference in my Groove!

Laksmhi art journal page from my notebook: "May the Universe rain down Insane Abundance.

May you be blessed with shit you didn't know you wanted."

I wish for a strong Attitude of Gratitude--you can't half-ass it when you abide by the Law of Attraction. You want Good Things? Think Good Things. Be Good Things. And Good Things will know your number. I'm sure you all relate: Between the TV assuring me we're all doomed and the ever-growing-bean-stalk of a To Do list, my positive charge is depleted, energy sucked out and my outlook limp and gloomy. There are few things I have control of in this life, HOWEVER, my THOUGHTS, my ACTIONS, my MAKINGS and my AURA--

my groove are my reign.

Time to recollect and refresh--

Take stock and spruce up--

I wish to make a




difference in my Get Down!

Where do you wish to make a difference?

Until Next Time-

Much Joy and Merry Making!

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