My brain is a milkshake: Can't read anymore, can't print anymore, can't find anything in the fridge I'd touch with a ten foot pole. It's time for a Moment. A wink of nothing, just a warm spot of "take -it-down-a-notch" tea. To sweep out my brain and get the muscles in my shoulders to stop sumo wrestling I decided to do a short stream of consciousness jot. Anyone care to join me?
"A breath.A breeze Currently Calm Stillness silence Constance Emptiness, empty nest Tranquil Composed Cleansed Restful, and full of rest Slow in current, shore and sand A sudden rush of Nothing to the Nowhere Deliberate. Gentleness of the Wave, The Curl The Pull Stretch Soothe the skin Exhale Pasture Empty Clear Pour Stream, another cup please Serene Collected Well constructed A Hush Low of pitch Undisturbed Content Ease Aware Rinse, restore, repeat Poised Groove --It's quite a Groove A Good Groove Natural, platelets better settle Gravitational Ground Grounding. Grounded."
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