It was a mole sort of day--too much snow to go anywhere! We were more than happy to stay in as the To Do list still needs attending to. I am gorged on a delectable pancake feast prepared by my Muffin and thrilled because... the chain is done! Hooray! It is satisfying to see my pile of copper bits and file dust finally turn into the collar I imagined--I thought It'd never get there! The inspiration for this piece came from two places. Firstly, I'm very interested in historical costume and have always been attracted to starched lacy Elizabethan collars. The other source of inspiration was taken from the series Planet Earth. I was flipping about on the TV and there was a beautiful segment with incredible footage of sea fronds and coral. I was drawn to the almost skeletal forms of the creatures and decided I needed to incorporate them into the design. I had also scribbled down a few ideas that had wing-like structures based on moths and other insects as well as a stylized woodgrain texture I knew needed to appear somewhere. I decided to create a hybrid of the two and ended up with this textural dragonfly-esque link which provided me with a slick shape and needed fluidity. (One of the requirements of the project was for the chain to maintain mobility both "up and down" as well as "forward and back".) I wanted it to have an organic feel. For that to happen I thought the right finish would be crucial. I didn't want something too matte, or manufactured looking or too readily identifiable. The links are finished with a liver-of-sulfur patina and a quick buff with a brass brush attachment. I was pleased with the variation that occurred naturally. Nice job metal! :) I imagine this is what armor feels like. I was worried that it might be uncomfortable or even worse--too pointy!The weight rests evenly on the collarbone, and feels very regal--this baby comes in at close to 3 pounds! I like to think it's the sort of jewelry a Queen of a stump would wear...One project to go! All the pages of the casket book have been printed and are waiting to be stitched together. I'll have pictures posted lickety-split. :) I hope everyone is riding high on a creative wave--
Wishing you Paint-Stained-Aprons and Juicy Dreams! Many Blissings!~*
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