My mantle before and after:

I borrowed some sparkly white poinsettias from my mother, stuffed them into brandy snifters, and plugged in a few strings of white lights. I do love the icicles hanging from the antlers! It felt finished once I put some Eartha Kitt on the turn table.

My kitchen before and after:

This was fun to put together. I hung mini silver doilies and icicles from the dollar store by thread pinned to the ceiling and dressed the table with a copy of the New York Times. The beautiful pink deer was printed courtesy of my mother and put into a 75 cent Good Will frame.

My sitting area before and after: (Staring my Muffin)

I dismantled my studio (which is behind the birch tree curtain) to make for some extra seating. I covered up my book and supply shelves with some great retro plastic table cloths from my grandma's house. I had some of these metallic sequined pillows strewn about. (I also stapled together a few shag covers--No one knew the better. Take THAT, Martha!)
The Guests:

It was a swingin' time! Everyone ate, drank and was very merry. :)
Now it's back to the grindstone--one week of classes left! I'm not sure whether to say "EEP!" or "Hooray!" I'm printing away on my final book. It's slow but steady work, a few more nights of serious studio time and it will be completed. I'm still debating exactly what materials I'd like to use for the illustration cover page. I figure I will use the highly technical method of waiting until I get to it and seeing what strikes my fancy. Now I'm off to the metals lab to finish some sanding on my collar. We're supposed to be getting The Snow Storm of The Century here, I'm hoping it doesn't interfere too much with getting back and forth from the school studio!
Wishing everyone wondrous winter weather and a marvelous Monday!
Wishing everyone wondrous winter weather and a marvelous Monday!
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