It's snowing a beautiful snow as we speak and it's getting me geared up for my Cool Yule! I've been planning a hip retro cocktail party and tonight is the night! I have this inexplicable adoration for all thing kitsch and corn-ball so this year I decided to expand the wardrobe protocol from "sassy retro attire" to include hideous holiday sweaters. I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of puff-painted sequined monstrosities everyone came up with!
I feel like it's the perfect time for a party: it's cold, everyone is getting homesick and everyone is wigged out from finals. Time for an energy shift! So, I'm up this morning to finish scrubbing, sweeping and decking the halls with shag pillows, glittered poinsettias and my favorite--my vintage tin tree. (It's just TOO funky!) It's also become an interesting experiment--I'm going to try to throw the schmatlzy-est Cheesiest shindig I can for $50. Can she do it?? Tune in next time for the exciting conclusion!! (I plan to post a series of before & after photos of how this whole wingding goes down!)
I'm off to wiggle the fingers, crack the knuckles and make a little Yule magick!
Saturday Blissings everyone!~*
Anyone up to any shenanigans or have plans this beautiful winter weekend?
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