It all started one night with an email from a gardener friend:
On Yahoo there was a headline that I thought I read as Compulsive Gardening Threatens Savings for Older Americans. I can relate to that--however, it was Compulsive Gambling, which I can't relate to at all!
We see what we want to see....
This led to a midnight flurry of emails between the two of us, resulting in:
Top Ten Signs That You Are A Compulsive Gardener
1) You know the specialties of nurseries and garden shops in a 50-mile radius, and when they have their sales.
2) You always have a gardening book on your night stand.
3) You buy plants just because you like their names (e.g., Society Garlic).
4) Dethatching the lawn seems like a better use of funds than insulating the house.
5) You resent having to travel out of town for the milestone birthday parties of beloved relatives because you really need to stay home and water during a heat wave.
6) Buying 50 bulbs of one variety of Narcissus is a thrifty choice (bulk discount!)--not an extravagance.
7) You sit in the movie theater, as everyone else is leaving, to catch the end of the credits and find out which garden was a film location.
8) You argue with trained horticulturists about Latin names (oops, Centranthus and Valeriana really are the same plant).
9) You wonder how a serious gardener could call her blog Daffodil when everyone knows that is not the correct...oh, never mind!
10) Your turn--what would you add to this list?
*Turns out that the Centranthus/Valeriana issue is the subject of a lively debate in the horticultural world.
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