Ahhh...much better. :)

It seemed an appropriate day to sip mint tea, return the apartment and studio to some semblance of order and do a mother of a Cleansing. My eyelids are heavy, my brain stuck on overdrive and my body in serious need of TLC. So, while outside of my window it misted, I sorted papers, washed out neglected brushes, straightened sheets, dusted off the pillar candles and burned sage leaves.

I'm very excited to get cracking on my plans for the New Year! Books to read, classes to write, rehearsals to plan, trips to travel, and of course--paintings to Paint! I am just loving reading about everyone's creative undertakings for the coming months! Keep them coming!Speaking of New Year projects-- don't forget to get your name in the "jar" for the Goddess Give Away! You can enter until midnight tomorrow. Round up your blogosphere chums and tell them to stop on by for a chance to win the goodies! :) I can't wait! Tee hee!
I hope all of you not only survived, but truly enjoyed your holiday gatherings
and are finding time to rest and recoup and craft your marvelous new year's plans!
Sending you Much Peace and Many Blissings!
***Happy New Moon, everyone!***
and are finding time to rest and recoup and craft your marvelous new year's plans!
Sending you Much Peace and Many Blissings!
***Happy New Moon, everyone!***
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