Lake Michigan is cloud colored today--big sheets of ice are jigsawed together in the harbor and the snow keeps snowing. If the cold is good for anything it's getting work done in the studio! Yesterday was the first time I'd left the apartment in almost 3 days, can you say cabin fever? Wowza.
I spent the evening putting finishing touches on another commission piece. This was a total treat to make as I haven't had the chance to play with oil paints in quite awhile. They are such a sensual medium: very responsive to your brushes (and fingers), the have a very particular almost vinegary aroma and a sheen you just can't get with anything else. I also included little flecks of fuschia foil and a dash of sparkley nail polish to give it it a little extra glow. (I had difficulty photographing this piece and getting anything but glare.) As was requested by the masses, here is the finished product:
I was asked to create a dreamy circle of soul dancers gathering in a moonlit garden. I like to think they are enjoying themselves being watched by fireflies, purple stars and mother Moon. Lately, there has been a flurry of talk in the blogosphere about Women's Circles: creating them, attending them, reminiscing about them, dreaming about them, hopes for them. I've always been intrigued, even delighted by the idea but never had the opportunity to partake in one. I've been to book clubs, ladies only cocktail parties, Lady Vampire Balls and Knit'n'Bitch sessions but never to what I've come to understand is a Women's Circle. So I thought--well then why don't I hostess one? Then it occurred to me, I don't really know what it is.
Has anyone out there ever attended a women's circle? Do you want to attend one? What can I expect? What do I do? What do I bring? Does someone lead? Do you determine a theme for what you'll discuss in advance or is it more organic than that? If you have any experiences to share or ideas to add--I'd love to hear your thoughts!
*~Many Blissings, Friends!~*
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