1. I am a neat freak. I can't do anything in my studio or concentrate on homework unless everything is in it's place. I feel that what surrounds you reflects what's going on inside of you. Obsessive anyone?
2. I hate grapes. Once when I was youngling in girl scouts I was made to stick my hand in a bag of peeled grape "eyeballs". Never got over the association.
3. I once had a strange dream in which I was wandering around an abandoned Victorian mansion in some sort of trapeze artist outfit. I was walking down one if the houses darkened hallways and came across an oil painting of Gerard Way (of My Chemical Romance) in period dress. I stopped in front of it and suddenly Gerard moved and said, "Molly. You've gotta build a church." How awesomely weird is that?!
4. I'm an awful brush care-taker. Most artists baby their brushes, as you should since they are your bread and butter. But I am AWFUL at rinsing them out and soaping them properly. I'll let them sit in a bucket of goopy paint water for days. Oopsy!
5. Even though I absolutely abhor guns and everything they stand for, I use gun imagery in my writing all the time. There's just something terrifyingly interesting about gun metaphors. Wacky.
6. On the subject of firearms, if I had a choice between being shot or stabbed? I chose stabbed.
7. Tom Jones is one of my favorite guilty pleasures. What's new, pussycat?
8. Speaking of which, I worry about my cats dying. They are my Companions and can't imagine what I'll do when I have to come across their body someday.
9. Anna and I have plans to move in together when we're old ladies--hopefully into a big old barn and call it "The Art Farm". There we'll live with our Muffins and herd of cats and make music and paint and go deaf together.
10. I am terrified of doctors. Just don't like 'em. I probably won't go see a doctor unless my right arm falls off--I can't sew with my left hand.
11. I L.O.V.E creepy plastic religious figurines! Especially ones that are made to sit on top of television sets and dashboards.
12. I feel awful about my prejudice against stinkilly wealthy people. I am just rubbed the wrong way by waste and arrogance. It's odd, seeing as a majority of my living is made by fulfilling the whims of yuppies. I know it's wrong, but I can't help it.
13. Every time I watch Edward Scissor Hands, I cry. I blame it entirely on the music. :)
14. If I were a cupcake--I would eat myself.
15. I order Bloody Mary's mostly because I just really love pickles. And I'm a "spear" sort of gal. (There's an excellent bar near me that does a Bloody Mary that serves 3 people and comes with celery, olives, onions, PICKLES, sausage sticks and cheese whips!!)
16. I had a gay man try to pick me up at a club because he thought I was a transvestite. It's my own fault for having a penchant for grandma-red-lipstick. It's true--gay men have impeccable taste. ;)
Now I pass it on to you, my pretties! What are your deepest darkest secrets?
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