Monday, October 31, 2011

Fashion Exclusive: The Fashion Forum

Fashion Forum

Blick Studios
Saturday 3rd December 2010
2pm to 5pm +

Calling all budding Fashionistas, Style Gurus and on-trend entrepreneurs. Interested in working in the fashion industry? Want to know how to get your vintage brogues through the door? Buying, merchandising, styling, blogging, designing? Blick Studios presents the Fashion Forum.

Aimed at fashion students, graduates and professionals new to this diverse and colourful industry, the Fashion Forum is a free event hosted by Blick Studios inviting a panel of fashion professionals from London and Northern Ireland. The Fashion Forum will address the core issue of how to establish yourself and sustain a career within the fashion industry in 2011 and beyond.

The panel consists of fashion journalist and acting editor of Let Them Eat Cake, Ashley Mauritzen; designer for House of Frasier, Mary Rose McGrath; fashion consultant and former buyer for New Look and the Arcadia group, Jo Appleton; stylist, designer and editor of Neu HQ Magazine, Britt Cormac; editor of online fashion magazine, Sugahfix, Katrina Doran; and designer and director of the pop up boutique, Proof, Gráinne Maher.

For more information contact Christine James or Carol Murphy at Blick Studios:
Phone: 02890207832

Take a look at Blick Studios website to learn more about the Fashion Forum at the link below.

Melody Thornton Rocks The Itaka

Former Pussycat Doll and powerhouse vocalist Melody Thornton took to the stage in the Itaka, Ukraine back in September performing new single Sweet Vendetta, upcoming album track You and I and PCD hits Wait a Minute and Buttons.

Originally drafted into the PCD's soley on one vocal audition to become one of the lead singers of the burlesque-troupe-turned-recording-group before Nicole Scherzinger worked her hypnosis, Thornton had no formal dance training under her belt what so ever. Fast forward several years Miss Baby Doll is killing it both vocally and physically showcasing her phenomenal talent as well as her own inner fashionista by designing her own stage costumes.

Melody often mentions in interviews that she felt the Pussycat Dolls was the perfect platform for her, and judging by this performance it seems she was correct.

Melody Thornton is an independent artist currently funding her own musical career. Melody's debut single 'Sweet Vendetta' is available now on Itunes.

Take a look at Melody Thornton performing You and I and Buttons below, courtesy of

coming soon!


I've got some pretty big news to share...

I'm about to launch my own website, a shop full of lovely little things to make everyday life a little more beautiful, including art (my own included), jewelry, home decor, gifts, and any other pretty things I can find. This project is something I have dreamed of doing for years, and I'm so excited to finally make it happen!

The shop is called "lamb & blonde", which was inspired by the famous photo, American Cyanamid, Girl & Lamb by Nickolas Muray, 1946. Something about this sweet, playful photo just makes me smile. I drew the lamb image, above, for the site's logo.

So far, only the test site is up and running, while I'm preparing for the next steps. I'm having fun hunting for merchandise to sell, and I'm learning a bit more about the business side of things, day by day. I'm realizing that I have a LOT to learn in that department! Having an artistic background, I'm not very familiar with business lingo, practices, etc., but I'm going to do my best to learn more about it all.

The site will be based in Adelaide, South Australia. I'm still in the U.S., visiting my family, but I will be back in Oz in a few weeks. That's when the real fun will begin!

My wonderful partner, Glen, is helping me set up the website. He is the brains behind the programming, and he's also a tremendous source of information and support. I would not be able to do this without him. (Thank you, darling!)

As of yesterday, "lamb & blonde" is on Twitter, and it would be great to connect with you there. I've never used the site before, so it is quite new to me, tweeting and all.

I plan to start up a new blog, on Blogger, to connect to the "lamb & blonde" site. I will be focusing my blogging energy there, from that point on. I won't be doing "how do i love thee" or my other blogs after that. 

Look for a link to the new blog very soon! I'm hoping to see you all there! 

Also, if you make something, and would be interested in selling your work on my site, I would LOVE to hear from you!

Feel free to contact me at

Cher Lloyd and Nicole Scherzinger Perform Live on X-Factor

Former X-Factor finalist Cher Lloyd and current X-Factor USA judge Nicole Scherzinger stopped by Sunday night's results show here in the UK to give a little live performance of their brand spanking new tracks 'With Ur Love' and 'Try With Me'. Both should have stayed in. I know its Halloween week and all but that doesn't mean your vocals have to be rotting away in the ground like the deceased!

Cher bounced on stage with an array of female dancers in a multi-colored ensemble, the Swagger Jagger singer even had a nice, normal hair style for once, closing her new track with a nifty dance break. The vocals were however rather nasal and hard to listen to at times.

As for Nicole, there wasn't much production going on for her dance ballad, dressed for a funeral in an all black frock (it was Halloween week I guess, we can give her that), the former Pussycat Doll overworked her voice at times sounding off key and as a result strained her vocals for the majority of the performance. Scherzinger had been rumoured to be filling absent judge Kelly Rowland's shoes but X-Factor winner Alexandra Burke stepped in at the last minute. (All those little facts added in the VT that plays before the actual performance are PCD achievements btw).

Both Cher Lloyd and Nicole Scherzinger's new singles are out now.

Take a look at their X-Factor performances from last night's result show via the link below.

Macro Monday - At the Top

One's destination is never a place but rather a new way of looking at things.
~ Henry Miller
About the Image: Taken 05-11-11 - I had quite a fascination with ants over the summer. They move so fast it's hard to get them in focus.
For More Macro Monday Shots - Visit Lisa's Chaos - HERE

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Will Young Shines at Belfast's Waterfront Hall

Ever tried to explain what is occurring on stage during a one hour concert to the blind woman sitting next to you who can’t really hear as a result of Will Young’s phenomenal vocals? No? Well lucky for me that blind woman was my mother and Will Young’s vocals were truly phenomenal, owning the stage at Belfast’s Waterfront Hall last night.

Dressed in a short sleeved white shirt and tweed trousers, oh and a black beret to boot, the singer/actor took the intimate venue by storm with his charm, eccentric and overly quirky dance moves, general comedic personality and of course his unbelievable ability to perform.

Arriving on stage through a ‘door on wheels’, the Pop Idol alumni kicked things off with new single Come On before sliding straight into tracks both old and new including hit songs Changes, The Game, Light My Fire, You and I and Leave Right Now before closing the show with upbeat electronic track Jealousy.

As for the production, it wasn’t there, but it wasn’t needed. Will is the production. His charisma and interaction with his band, his beautiful backing singers and the enthusiastic crowd more than made up for the odd bit of confetti and dimming spotlights.

At one point Will even stepped out into the crowd to serenade, kiss and hug and take the odd picture with his ever-loving fans. That’s if the Waterfront’s security staff allow it. Btw…you aren’t allowed to take photos, have your phone on or use any form of technology apparently. Yes, that’s definitely going to stop us.

Another highlight was a stripped down, acoustic version of Will Young’s first ever song, the Westlife album track ‘Evergreen’ which became the fastest selling single in the history of the UK charts and is the best selling single of the 21st Century in the UK alone. Not bad William, not bad at all.

Will Young’s fifth studio album ‘Echoes’ is out now having reached the number one spot in the UK album chart back in August and has already been certified Gold within a matter of months. Will Young’s new single ‘Come On’ is available to download now.


At The Firey Gate Gouache on paper 30 x 42 cm

I am continuing to explore ideas of Mother Nature with paintings that behold the feminine essence of our earthly, cosmological and spiritual lives. This exploration expands on my concerns for our immediate environment and my interest in the distance between the vast and nano, whether it be spatial or temporal, physical or spiritual.

At The Firey Gate suggests that Mother Nature is suspended at the gate to Eden/Paradise? Have we sacrificed her? She is us, she is all, past-present-future. What do we need to do to pass through the gate to return to Paradise? Fire, as a purification symbol 'speaks' of change, which can be either forced upon us or actively sought. Surely the financial mayhem, climatic and environmental turmoil we are experiencing at the moment, screams for the need to make fundamental changes to the way we live and operate.

North South East West Gouache on paper 30 x 42 cm

North South East West is titled without commas between the words, because I want no borders or barriers to exist by implication. Punctuation can subliminally suggest border/boundary and thus difference. Yet, each point around the 360 degrees of the compass is a direction. In this painting the female figure, Mother Nature-the feminine life force- extends her reach in all directions, with the vascular-like tree-of-life pulsing within and beyond. She is connected to her physical world, as well as her inner world. She is me, she is you, she is us.


Please have a look at my latest e-update at this link:

FOR EVERYONE: Words and Paintings

Available as a book or e-book!

My book FOR EVERYONE is available from Balboa Press at:
or from Amazon and other online stores, plus ask your local bookstore.

And, there's a GOOGLE PREVIEW where you can see some of the inside of the book


UNDER $1000

My entry into the Blake Prize, was shortlisted by the judges but was not chosen as a finalist.
The Directors' Cut Exhibition is a selection of those works which were shortlisted.
The exhibition is online until 31 January.
You can see all the paintings at:


On Delicate Hinges

Swinging on delicate hinges
the Autumn Leaf
Almost off the stem
- Jack Kerouac
About the image: Taken 10-30-11 - After a visit from Mr. Frost - 28 degrees when this image was taken.

How Many Blogs Does One Need?

This is Blog #3 for me..The first, Spirit Rattles was just something to play around with and learn that I intended to chop at a later date, #2, Nan Emmett Studio was going to be a type of easy, hands on,website for my non- production work..and my primary sits neglected most of the time.
However , as typically happens,things took on a life of their own and Spirit Rattles Blog bloomed into a beading blog...with a misleading name. My Etsy shop name is Spirited Earth,nicely general and appropriate for all manner of clay work..that was the second try with the Etsy shop title..I forget what junk name was on the first one..does that ring any bells with anyone else.

Over the last year or so I've  become increasingly disenchanted with rattle making, from a purely business stand point ,my profit margin on rattles is Zip, Nada, Zero..for the amount of work involved in each piece, they should be bringing in almost double their wholesale price..sad but true.. Especially after building up a nice business over 20yrs with numerous galleries across the country. There are also other factors
(family issues) involved with putting my rattle production in deep freeze mode..

Thanks to the Bead Soup Party, created and hosted by Lori Anderson, I've fallen in love with bead making and jewelry..
The question arises on what to do with the blog(s)..Well ,of course, start yet another that will tie into my Etsy shop name ..we'll see if I can switch over and make this my primary beading blog...
( don't think spell check is working today..sorry for any spelling errors)

Happy and beautiful Client!

My wonderful client-- who is as beautiful inside as out.... bought this swimmer to add to her collection.

She is an artist and great soul.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being so supportive of my work ... and trusting me to teach you a little bit about watercolor!

Thank you for your friendship too.

20" h x 20" w

Dark-eyed Junco - Peaceful Harmony

Each day, awakening, are we asked to paint the sky blue? Need we coax the sun to rise or flowers to bloom? Need we teach birds to sing, or children to laugh, or lovers to kiss? No, though we think the world imperfect, it surrounds us each day with its perfections. We are asked only to appreciate them, and to show appreciation by living in peaceful harmony amidst them. The Creator does not ask that we create a perfect world; He asks that we celebrate it.
~Robert Brault
About the Image: Taken 10-28-11 - first sleet event of winter 2011/2012. If you look closely you can see some sleet on his tail feathers.

Saturday, October 29, 2011


Daphne Groeneveld is a Dutch model most famous for appearing on the 2010 December/January cover of Vogue Paris alongside Tom Ford. Daphne was born on December 24, 1994 in Leiderdorp, Netherlands. She now lives in Voorschoten, Netherlands. Daphne's hobbies include ballet and modern dance. She also likes to sing. Her model friends include Lindsey Wixson and Hailey Clauson. Daphne was discovered by her motheragency while shopping with her mother. Daphne's first runway-season was the Fall/Winter 2010 season in Milan, but her career skyrocketed after her Fall/Winter 2011 season.

Lonny love

I just love the pink sofa, on the Sep-Oct 2011 cover of Lonny magazine. As always, a fab art wall makes me smile, too. The gold frames look so elegant against the pale grey wall. Top it all off with some graphic black-and-white patterned pillows, and you've got a gorgeous lounge look.

Raku Bird Necklace

One of my customers, Sharon from Gypsy Jewels, created this wonderful necklace with a bird pendant that I fired in raku

Broad Strokes: Lady Artists to Peep: Volume 4

Welcome to another edition of Broad Strokes: Celebrating female artists of past and present. This installment is all about the surreal: ghosts, goddesses and day dreams. Let's get to the gallery!

Audrey Kawasaki
Status: Alive and Kicking
Medium: Painter

Alma Lopez
Status: Alive and Kicking
Medium: Painter

Maria Flore
Status: Alive and Kicking
Medium: Photagrapher

Do you have a favorite in the round up? An artist you'd like to see featured? Discuss!

Leaves - I Count Them As Joy

Man is fond of counting his troubles, but he does not count his joys. If he counted them up as he ought to, he would see that every lot has enough happiness provided for it.
~Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Friday, October 28, 2011


Misa (Mihaly) Patinszki
Date of Birth: April 7, 1991
Place of Origin: Budapest, Hungary
Ethnic Origin: Hungarian
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
Height: 184cm / 6′0.5″

Fashion Shows: Shaun Samson

Editorials/Campaigns: GQ Style Italy, Sando Lakatos, Grit Magazine, i-Sustain V & Astrid Andersen.