And by bare all we mean bares ass as the Rise of The Planet of The Apes star delivers a cheeky alternative for this month's Flaunt cover as well as a more PG orientated variant of course.
The California born actor sits comfortably at what looks to be some sort of desk sink on the more teen-friendly option. What's a desk sink you ask? A desk that looks a bit like a sink.
The California born actor sits comfortably at what looks to be some sort of desk sink on the more teen-friendly option. What's a desk sink you ask? A desk that looks a bit like a sink.

James Franco is set to star as the almighty Oz in the 2013 Wizard of Oz prequel, Oz: The Great and Powerful telling the tale of how the Wizard arrived in Oz and how he came to rule it. Oz will be directed by Evil Dead's Sam Raimi.
Take a look at the Pineapple Express actor in action in the New York Times Magazine short clip below. Check out the hilarious article entitled 'An Interview With James Franco's Ass' as an added bonus via the link on the title of this post.
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