Sunday, February 20, 2011

Womens Circle: The "C" Word

Hello Shortcakes!* It was a flurry of activity at HerSpeak HQ this week! It was a blast to take full advantage of the invigorating full moon and meet with my women's circle! Amid the massive protesting and tumultuous political climate here in Wisconsin, it was grounding to get together and hide out with friends. This month our discussion focus was creativity: What was the last creative project you worked on? Do you feel like an inner creative life is vital? What or who makes you feel like a juiced-up genius? What forms does your creativity take? Oh...and cupcakes. :)
*We took turns describing our creative practices, and the difference between pipe dreams, wishes and goals. You couldn't help but get jazzed listening to everyone speak electrically about the amazing plans they have and using sailor speak to spill their super secret creative desires. Every time we meet I am joyously surprised by what bubbles up to the surface when spit-fire women get together.

We closed the evening with a wishcasting: everyone took a moment to cook up a creative wish. Each of us lit a candle, wished with vigor and were backed with the enthusiasm and strength of the group:
"I wish for my band to have a righteously kick ass stepping-out show." "As Molly wishes for herself, so we wish for her also!" We lit candles for members of the circle who couldn't attend due to life difficulties and sent them our Love. After all wishes were cast, we blew out the lights birthday-cake-style, sending our good juju sure-fire out to the Universe!
Here's wishing all of you in the blogosphere a breathtakingly creative cycle!
Until Next Time- Much Joy & Merry Making!

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