Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Guess who is 2 months old???

(Nicholas is 2 months old)

I haven’t blogged in a long time, I guess that is expected with a brand new baby and a 3 year old. Lets see, what’s new? I quit my job, I will be staying home with my two kidos. I got to say I miss my job. I miss getting up and out of the house and most of all I miss getting that pay check. LOL. But it had to be done. Since my family moved out of state (thanks a lot guys) I am here with no one to watch my kids, Well no one I feel comfortable and completely trust. But its for the best now. Eventually I will go back to work.

Nicholas is now 2 months old, at his last check up, he was 15 lbs! Wow he is huge. He is such a good baby. Here is what his day looks like. I am going to start with the time he goes to bed at night:

*goes to bed at 12am

*wakes up during the night to nurse around 3am and 5am. After nursing he goes back to sleep.

* He gets up at 8am.

*He goes back to sleep around 10am, he usually sleeps till 12 or one. (this is the time I clean the house, cook, do laundry and so forth)

*Then he usually takes another nap around 5-7.

*And when he is awake during the day, he just lays around and goos and coos. He is such a sweet heart, a very low maintenance baby.

Its difficult for me to stay home all day since I have been working full time since I was 16. Sometimes I don’t get out of the house for a entire week. But hopefully once the warm weather gets here I will be able to go on walks with my kidos. Now is the time for me to give my entire attention to my kids and family. At this time I believe it is the right decision no matter how hard it was for me.

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