Thursday, February 24, 2011

Stuff That's Totally Doin' It For Me

Hello Starlings!*
This is what's tripping my trigger as of 5:19 PM today. [1] A brimming bowl of candy on my landing strip. [2] Silly pink hand painted postcard. [3] Fresh fleurs pinking up my coffee table. [4] A surprise load of neatly folded laundry on my vanity compliments of my Muffin! [5] Pretending I'm waging squirtgun wars in a post apocalyptic wasteland while listening to the new My Chemical Romance record, "Danger Days" on my walk home from work. [6] The star stickers I collaged onto my rAiNbOw toe polish!

I wanna know: What's doin' it for you right now?

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