Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Wishes: A Break Up & Progress With a Capital P!

Hello Dumplings!*
I'm writing while enjoying late breakfast in my front room--the Midwest was pistol-whipped with snow and the city has declared a civil snow emergency/ unofficial holiday. :) So much to talk about! Lets get to it! This week our Wishtress Jamie asks, "What burden do you wish to put down?"

I wish to put down this tiring and persistent state of scatter-brainedness. Honestly, I feel a lot of pressure to be hyper focused-- feeling guilty about wanting to be a business woman, and a slum goddess and an axe wielding rock'n'roller and a fine artist and shaman. The pressure, the naggity nag voice that assures me that to be a highly effective human is to be a neat and tidy ultra defined set of spit-shined skills. My "sCaTteRedneSs" is NOT a weakness, it's INSPIRATION==> Here's to living The Experiment!

Guess what Nagging Voice--I'm dumping you.
And it's not you, it's me.
Who am I kidding--It's totally you.

The world needs Renaissance Women.
In other news, I've finally begun to make serious progress on a project I've been itching to start: The HerSpeak Oracle Deck! Of the 30 cards I intend to make, 13 are finished! I love oracle decks but never really found one that jived just right: either too serious, too fluffy, too hot, to cold. I wanted to make a rich deck full of poetry and humor and metal and Lady Power--as diverse and ridiculous as the women I know. Here's a sneak peek:

My plan is to finish within the next month and get these babies printed--one GIGANTIC check off of the "Zillion Things I'm Gonna Do This Year" List! Now, What have you been up to? What are your wishes, Renaissance dearies?

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