Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Full Moon Dream Board: Switch On, Switch Off and Flow

Hello Cherubs!*
Amber light is pouring into my apartment while the sun sets over downtown--making long purple shadows in the snow. It's the perfect almost-evening to take a deep breath, make plans and wait for cool blue of Moon! It's been quite some time since I've been able to participate in our Dream Board ritual and it's such a treat to make art and magic with the group again. :)

This full moon my focus is Flow. The last few months have been filled with a lot of hard work and gusto but BRICKWALLS seemed to be springing up like daisies...crabby crabby daisies that shouldn't work in costumer service. Fortunately, the much anticipated call I'd been waiting for finally came in the nick-of- time! And the news: Swell! A job--yes! School Acceptance--yes! The tide is coming in and the Molly Ship is on it! Things are beginning to fall into place. My intention is for the juices that are regaining their Uumph and the events that are set in motion keep moving swirling and sweeping forward! ----> May all of us roll with the rush and hush of the push and pull and ride the gentle vibration like a bareback unicorn. :)

Merry Full Moon, Dearies!
Until Next Time--Much Joy, Merry Making!

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