Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Wish Casting Wednesday: The Indulge Edition

Hello Puddings!*
This week Jamie tempts us with the question: What do you wish to enjoy? Oh dear! I wish to enjoy a book that gets me and changes my day, a slice of flourless chocolate cake the size of your head, a rainy day at the library pouring over pictures, the pecking of a type writer, a cat nap with my kittens, a perfect cup of coffee--two gloops milk, one lump sugar--a KICK ASS girl band that makes me want to be Better, a walk in the woods while it snows in the evening on a Tuesday, the fringed thrill of being a Burlesque Queen, an "Ah HA!" moment that feels as good as a good sneeze, a dirty fortune cookie and a grin that shouts: "Anywhere I go--Damn, There I AM!" I wish to enjoy the Art of Living while Living as ART. What do you wish to enjoy, darlings?

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