Monday, December 6, 2010


The Colour Of Knowledge Oil on linen 62 x 82 cm  2010

I've just picked up 'Colour Of Knowledge' from Cleveland, a bayside community near Brisbane. The painting was a finalist in the Redland Art Award. From over 400 entries just over 50 paintings were chosen as finalists. So, I was, and am, very happy to have been chosen. Here's the link to my previous post about this painting

As I have previously mentioned I am reading a book called 'Water' by Steven Solomon. It is a history of water ranging across 5000 years, and it is fascinating. I am just over half way through the book, and it is clearly apparent that those civilisations and societies which harness the power of water, at the same time as honouring it, are the ones that thrive. I suspect the globalised world in which we live, needs another revolutionary breakthrough in how to use, conserve and produce water, because water sustains life through agriculture and hydrating our own human bodies, plus maintaining Earth's biosphere. Yet, current methods of deploying water's gifts, are not coping with agricultural demands and are compromised by climate change, industrial uses and the boom in mining.

I was at a party over the weekend and I mentioned a vision of the future, which I have previously written about on this BLOG. The vision is that in the future my great-great-great grandchildren will be watchingg some kind of emedded entertainment device. They will come across reruns of a quaint little show called 'Masterchef' and as they watch they become obviously more and more confused. They turn to their parents and ask,'What are they doing?'....'Cooking what's that?'  If we allow strategic farmland to be compromised by mining, mainly coal seam gas mining, our future may necessitate developing alternative food in the form of internally imbedded nanobot distributers which a rebooted with nutrients and sensations once every 12 months!...NOW! I'd much prefer alternative fuel to be developed before we need alternative food. But, a few of my fellow party goers offered some 'bright side' comments to my proposed vision. Imagine grocery shopping, no teenagers complaining that there's nothing to eat, dieting made easy becasue there's no temptation, no cleaning up, no kitchen! Mmmmmm... not so enticing really, although I do loathe grocery shopping and I am not such a crash hot cook, but I do like eating.

So, my vision got me thinking a bit deeper, and 'Colour Of Knowledge' kinda fits in with these thoughts. The painting talks about the metaphor provided by the trans-cultural/religious story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. For me, Adam and Eve, represent humanity. In the painting Eve is connected to Adam as she takes from the tree-of-knowledge. They are not separate, because prior to taking from the tree they did not see their nakedness/separateness, hence I have painted them white to indicate a white light where no colour [representing antimonies] exists. The promise of the Garden of Eden seems to be lost, but maybe not! Maybe upon taking frome the tree, humanity unleashes all the sentient joys of being human, axiomatically including antimonies, such as 'good' and 'error'. Without antimonies we cannot discover who we are not, in order to understand who we are. For me, the promise of the Garden of Eden [Paradise] is here and now, both outwardly in the existence of Earth's wonder and inwardly in the depths of our souls. However, have we noticed?

My preparations for VORTEX, solo exhibition 22 Feb -6 March at Graydon Gallery continues. Here are a couple of the paintings which will be in the show.

Compassion Oil on linen 100 x 100 cm 2010

Galaxial Landscape Oil on linen 90 x 180 cm 2010

And just a reminder that a painting is a great gift at any time! Please check out my Christmas 'gallery' on my website where I have uploaded some ideas for Christmas ranging in prices from a couple of hundred $.


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