Monday, December 20, 2010


Multiverse Oil on linen 80 x 100 cm

The painting above was inspired by the postulation that our universe is not the only one, ie: that there maybe others, maybe many others, and thus we are potentially part of a multiverse. This image sprang to my mind when I was reading 'Just Six Numbers' by Martin Rees, Professor of Cosmology at Cambridge University. He wrote, '...the ultimate theory might permit a multiverse whose evolution is punctuated by repeated Big Bangs; the underlying physical laws, applying throughout the multiverse, may then permit diversity in the individual universes.' Rees, M. Just Six Numbers: The Deep Froces That Shape the Universe, Basic Books, NY, 2000 p.174

The image that sprang to my mind is a tree with small portal-like 'windows' or 'eyes' dotted amongst the branches, each created by a kind of swirling or vortex action. These portals are more obvious from a distance, because they interrupt the pattern of the tree. Up close, they are still visible, but the interruption to the pattern is not as obvious. I suppose it is a bit like seeing a peacock proudly unfold its plumage, compared with looking at only one feather. The magnificence of the fanned plummage is breathtaking and patterns are discernible, yet one feather, still beautiful, only whispers.

Regular readers will recognise my interest in close and far distance. I like to stimulate both close and far distance viewing of my paintings as a metaphoric template for the negotiation of the distance/space we experience living locally in an increasingly globalised world. AND, indeed, if there are other universes, and we are part of a multiverse, then skills at 'seeing' multiple perspectives simultaneously will be pretty damn handy, I suspect!

The tree in Multiverse is my much loved transcultural/religious tree-of-life/knowledge. Its branches weave the fabric of Space, which can also be seen metaphorically as the fabric of our soul. In one nano-second we can propel perceptions from the outer reaches of the imagined universe, to the inner reaches of our subconscious, our psyche, our soul. I love the feeling in my brain when my imagination swings from the outwardly vast to the inwardly intimate, but equally vast in possibility. It's a distance thing! From a soul point of view, the small portals in Multiverse offer potentail conduits to new discoveries about ourselves, new connections to who we are as we reflect upon experiences that have taught us who we are not. With reflection we have the opportunity to answer those questions we did not know we needed to ask! For me, this kind of reflection is the kind that happens in stillness...the kind of stillness one might experience at the VORTEX core.

Multiverse will be in my next solo exhibition VORTEX: Seeking Stillness At Its Core in February @ Graydon Gallery, 29 Merthyr Rd, New Farm, Brisbane: Tuesday 22 Feb- Sunday 6 March 10 am-6 pm daily!
OPENING NIGHT Wednesday 23 February 6-8pm

Regular readers will know of my very deep concern about the impact Coal Seam Gas [CSG] mining has, and will have, on prime strategic farmland here in Australia. These concerns encompass degradation of water aquifers and soil, to severe impediments to farming practices, pollution and environmental degradation caused by CSG infrastructure and implementation needs and activities. I have written about these issues in previous posts. I have also uploaded the paintings I have created which 'speak' about my concerns. I see the 'madness' as  part of the turmoil in the outer vortex. I just wish the power brokers would take time to be still, to see, hear and feel that even the smallest risk to food producing land, is not tenable.

Business risk cannot, and should not, be used as the arbiter of risk when environmental and life sustaining issues are entwined with business production. A business can take risk, depending on various factors. Indeed a 10-20% [or more] risk is often worth it. But, when dealing with the environment, and food production and quality, even a .05% risk is too much. Risk taken in business is not the same as risk taken with life! It is not scientific!

Please read my last few posts and you'll see some of my 'quiet activism' paintings about water and CSG.

Here are some links to action groups fighting the mad dash in CSG mining.

I have created an online 'gallery' with some ideas for Christmas presents for you.
Here are two for you now! If you are interested click on where I list prices etc.

If you are in Brisbane I can arrange delivery, especially for smaller paintings, before Christmas.

The Trees Are Dancing Oil on linen 36 x 36 cm

The Brush Of Angels' Wings Oil on linen 50 x 92 cm


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