Thursday, December 16, 2010

Another Movie Completed for # 30

I swear, I can't believe I haven't crossed off more movies for #30 - Watch 26 movies I've never seen before starting with each letter of the alphabet. I'm a movie-aholic. If time permitted, I'd watch a different movie every night. During the summer, before I started my 101 list, I had rented many different movies that I'd never seen before.

But life seems to have been busy lately. As much as I'd love to have seen more flicks, I haven't had a chance. Haven't even been to the theatre in ages! Oh, how I miss it...the smell of hot buttery popcorn...the big screen, the comfy seats...

I really need to go to a movie over the holidays.

But I realized - rather belatedly - that after I saw Disney's A Christmas Carol last week, that I should be adding it to my list! Sure, I've seen different versions of Charles Dickens' beloved Christmas classic over the years, but I'd never seen this particular adaptation yet.

Jim Carrey made a perfect animated Scrooge. The whole movie was wonderful. For my recap on the movie, you can click here.

I'm looking forward to crossing another few items off the list in the next few days. I purchased It's A Wonderful Life from Amazon, and it arrived yesterday. It's unbelievable that I've never seen this holiday favourite. I'm also going to consider it my "classic movie". (I'm even going to watch it in black and white, even though the DVD I bought has a colourized version on it).

I'll let you know what I think of It's a Wonderful Life soon!

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