Monday, December 20, 2010

Holy Shit. I Graduated.

Hello Sugar Plums!*
Saturday was my Senior Thesis Exhibition. I finished the work. I wore the dress. I ate the traditional sweaty-gallery-opening-crudites. I am officially a Big Bad Fine Artist!

And Nothing Pleased Her Better 65 x 85 inches oil & gold leaf on masonite

Holy shit. I graduated.

Now what?

TuRnIng PoInt! It's BIG. It's Scary. It's Rad. Time to make more work! Time to hibernate, rest, recuperate, meditate, RECESSatate. Time to write, travel, build my business and a reputation to live up to-- Time get crackin' on paying back those loans! *Le Sigh.*

And time to go for my second degree! :D

With the New Year around the corner, what adventures are YOU starting?

Until Next Time-
Much Joy and Merry Making!

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