Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Wish Casting Wednesday

Hello Chickadees!*
This week our wish master Jamie asks, "What is your winter wish?" I had to think for a moment--I'm having my cup of coffee watching the steamy clouds puffing from the chimneys and being whipped about by the wind...and I remember that all of my friends when asked about the holidays say, "I'm just not in the mood." H e a v y S i g h.

Blame it on the economy, the saturation of lousy news, heartache tied to the season, reality stepping on our necks in combination with our manic gerbil-wheel like schedules-- but the holidays feel particularly deadish this year...

I wish for Joy!* I wish for my dear friends and family here and in the blogosphere to know the kindness and sweetness that this strange dark season fosters so well. I wish for us peace of mind and an open heart. I wish for silliness, even if it takes too much egg nog to get there. :)

Alright, my pretties! What is YOUR winter wish? With BIG, Wish BOLD!

Until Next Time--
Much Joy and Merry Making!

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