Friday, March 2, 2012

This week in pictures...

We had so much fun this week!


We went out to eat on Saturday night:

After a lot of consideration, I finally decided to buy myself a clarisonic! (well, I guess I should say I had the hubby buy me a clarisonic) I have been using it close to a week now and already see a difference in my skin. (I will tell you more about it once a use it for longer)

Do you use a clarisonic? Do you like it/not like it? leave a comment :)

We decided to stop by and grab doughnuts (only 6) We haven't had Krispy Kreme in so long, we let ourselves have 2 each :)



Sunday was a lazy day for us. We lounged at home and finally decided to get out of the house around 4 pm. We went to check out a new health food store (well it has been open for a while, we just never went there since there are so many health food stores next to us). Little Em was in love with the little shopping carts.
I let her shop and had her choose healthy things that she wanted.

Want to know what she picked?

Orange/strawberry/banana juice
Annie's mac and cheese

That's it! She didn't want anything else in her cart!
It was so cute how she unloaded her cart all by herself and asked me to pay for her food, because she left her money at home in her piggy bank. What a doll!!!

Picked up some rice noodles and veggies at the health food store and threw together dinner.
I don't know what to call it, but I know it was delicious!


It actually stopped raining and the sun came out!
That is rare here in the NW, so we took advantage of it and went to the park

My lunch


We went to a cafe which caters to kids and moms/dads

It has a guarded area for the kids to play in (for a small fee) and adults to have coffee or grab lunch

We had so much fun. Little Em made lots of new friends.


We went to Barnes and Noble for story time
It was our first time at Barnes and Noble for story time, Little Em told me she liked it "much more" then the library because here they gave out cookies :)


It snowed!
Yep, on March 1st it snowed.

brr... I am so ready for spring!!

After the snow melted, we went to the grocery store and picked up some things to get us through another week. As you can see I bought more rice noodles!! :


This is little man's new thing. As soon as he sees me turn the kitchen faucet on, he runs to the bathroom and grabs the step stool and brings it into the kitchen to "wash" the dishes with me.
And not just the dishes, when I chop things on the counter, he moves the stool next to me. Then I move to the sink again, he moves the stool over again. He is so adorable!!!

That wraps our week up!!

Thank you so much for visiting.

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