Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Day Zero

This is my Day Zero.

After being inspired by reading Lists of 101 Things To Do in 1001 Days that my friends have created (and have devoted blogs to), I have decided to create my own list, as well as this Blog to keep track of it.

I've spent quite a bit of time today compiling my list, with the help of the Day Zero website and reading the lists of people I know. Up until today, I had never been compelled to do so. But suddenly, the urge hit me. The thought of creating a list of goals and things I've always wanted to do, both big and small, was suddenly exciting, and I couldn't wait to get started.

I intend on tweaking my list tonight, and tomorrow I will publish it here on my Day 1. In the following 1001 days, I will blog about my tasks as they are completed, and hopefully provide some pictures as well.

Come along for the ride! It should be an interesting one!

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