Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Unicorn of Genius: Writing

Hello Schweet Hearts!*
I've been spending the last few weeks recouping from the semester, and I felt like part of that process required me unplugging and experiencing the third dimension. :) (The Revolution ain't on Facebook.) Wishcasting Wednesdays are always a darling way to dip my toes and get my Blog-legs back. Jamie asks us: "What leap do you wish to take?"

A recent painting project still untitled...

I wish to plunge back into writing. I used to fill stacks of notebooks every month with doodles, poems, lyric skeletons, coffee shop prose and strict detailed records of daily minutia. But somewhere along the line I developed a Fully Automated Quality Control that stops me from writing down anything in a hardbound journal unless it's made of platinum. Ego Choke is not conducive to a gypsy queen lifestyle...

I've got to take some of my own advice and not be afraid to make junk.
Total Junk. Awful Junk. Even sappy Junk.
If you don't make Junk, you'll never give the Golden Unicorn Soul Scorching Genius the opportunity to present itself.

SO-- with a juicy pen in my hand I wish to leap back into writing as part of my creative practice!

What do YOU wish to leap into, my pretties?

Coming Soon: Adventures in Book Making, A Grand Tour of the new headquarters and Goddess Collage!

Until Next Time--
Much Joy, Merry Making!

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