Summer is here in Milwaukee: dogs licking sidewalks, steel guitars steeling, burn outs drinking tea in the street, honeysuckles in full bloom and bits of cotton fluff navigating about. Here's a peek at what's been buzzing in HerSpeak's summer Headquarters!
Flea market score! Picked up this super nifty pile of saint pendants while getting in some quality Lady Time with my mum, big sis and grandma. What treasure! I can't wait to sew them on to everything in my apartment...

Writing, writing, Writing! Writing songs and summer adventure chronicles. I've also been chewing up books like they're on sale at Ikea. I figure if I want to write good stuff, I gotta read good stuff. Holy moly, does it feel amazing to get back into the habit of penning! I'm taking it slow, thinking about it as if I'm training for a marathon--got to stretch and start with little steps so you don't turn into a wheezing sweaty pile and get discouraged. Right now, the ritual feels brilliant, hopefully the Cowboy Angel Muse will follow. :)

And making Books! This is the final bound product from an art journaling course I participated in this past semester. Here are a few images from the compilation:
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