Sunday, June 13, 2010

Big Blue- watercolor

This watercolor of a magnificent Blue Heron from my Everglades series has finally emerged!

I worked on it for several days --- in between projects and deadlines.

I am anxious to get to my work on the Everglades-- but before I do-- I am traveling down to the Gulf Coast tomorrow.

I want to see for myself- and document the tragedy.

I grew up mostly in Florida...but I spent 5 years of my childhood in Biloxi, MS -- while my Dad was stationed at Keesler Air Force Base. Biloxi is a simple town-- mostly shrimping. It's beautiful pristine beaches are in the line of fire for oil spillage.

I am attached to the Gulf-- and am as concerned as everyone else about it's safety.

I believe the whole ecosystem and biodiversity is in peril!

If I can make any 'gorgeous tragedy' statements to inform, enlighten, or mobilize -- I will feel like I've made a contribution.

Blue Heron
30" h x 22" w
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