Oh- so- much has been happening here at apartment #5! Here's the whirlwind tour: I've been bzzzz-buzzing around town here and there in preperation for the "Glamorous Gallery Night" event I was asked to style. It's been quite the coaster ride between venue changes, committee shifts and indecisive entertainers-- but with only 20 days to go things are looking very glamorous indeed! My partner and I have been up to our eyebrows in iridescent tulle, collapsable chandeliers, miles and miles of To Do lists and frantic inbox exchanges in an effort to throw Milwaukee one hell of a party! Here's the promo clip for the event!
The Famous Graves have also been kicked into high gear, rehearsing Billie Holliday tunes in my sweltering apartment. Things are coming together! Exciting, exciting indeed...

*In other News...
In the very near future, HerSpeak will be the home of Creative Gravy Meditations! Hooray! I've been tinkering with a few guided video meditations designed to get your creative juices flowing--because as you know, at HerSpeak, we're all about the juice. :)
Speaking of which, what are you doing
for your juices these days? Do tell!
Until Next Time--
Much Joy and Merry Making!
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