Wishcasting Wednesday!***
This week our Wishtress Jamie asks us,
"What do you wish to play with?"

Scarlet Paint, Jade Paint, Peuce Paint--
oil paint, acrylic paint, poster paint--
Smooshy paint, SliPpery paint, Smooth paint!
Paint in my hair, under my nails and all over my pants--
and maybe even a snappy painted moustache!
I'm going to treat myself to an evening in the studio as part of my Full-Moon-Getting-Back-Into-a-Groove wish! Body has been cranky due to too much doings and not enough making! I've got a new project brewing that my fingers are anxious to get working on as well as a mega-cleanse of my workspace. I'll be sure to keep you posted on the progress. :)
Now kittens, what do You wish for?
Until next time--
Much Joy & Merry Making!
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