Saturday, March 3, 2012

Welcome, Sacramento Bee readers!

Photo: John Walker/Fresno Bee/Sacramento Bee

The Sacramento Bee has two terrific daffodil articles this morning, on Sierra daffodils and how to plant them/where to see them. Thanks to Debbie Arrington for the stories, and for quoting me!

I'm a professional garden writer, a Master Gardener, and a daffodil nut.

If you're a daffodil fan and first-time visitor to this blog, let me give you a quick tour:

The top right sidebar has a Calendar of all the daffodil events this spring in Northern California. This is a sunny weekend, so hop in your car and head to the Livermore show Saturday or Sunday!

The top of the blog has a heading Daffodil Information that takes you to a round-up of articles I've written about daffodils. Check out one of the annual Daffodil Blogoramas (a collection of posts from garden bloggers around the world) for a dizzying spin through Daffodil Land.

To cruise around my blog posts on daffodils and other bulbs, go to the sidebar cloud of words called "I wrote about" and click on bulbs.

For the latest garden news on daffodils (and other plants too!), sign up for my free enewsletter, Dirt du jour: Northern California. Dirt du jour will be waiting in your Inbox early each weekday morning. Subscribers read it at home or (shhh!) work while they have their first cup of coffee. Dip in to some samples of Dirt du jour: Northern California in the upper sidebar and see if it amuses and informs you.

Thanks for visiting. Please leave a comment and let me know what daffodils you are planting.

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