Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Italy series

I finished up two paintings in the Italy series. I hope you don't mind me working so hard on getting this exhibition done.

I have a great venue and deadline now -- to keep me focused.

I was finished with the work last spring... but when the curator saw the work.. and wanted to feature it at CEDARHURST MUSEUM .... I was compelled to continue on.

I didn't have enough paintings to fill 3500 sf. so I needed to paint additional works to flesh out the space.

I've never done a show with so many pieces~! AND...I'm adding more~

It will be a visual feast: a variety -- sizes, shapes, palettes, images.... just like a regular presentation of travel~

however.. I MISS my watercolor.. and I'm looking forward to painting the EVERGLADES and OIL DISASTER.

But first... must finish my Italian Series--- completely.

Two large panels came in the mail yesterday -- and I will be beginning those shortly.

I am having a ball developing this exhibition -- and LOVE showing it. I am however, very guarded with who gets to see it in person .... I want there to be a surprise-element next winter. I am also digging sharing it online.. and having my online-artist friends interject their comments and criticisms. Wonderful to have everyone participate in the process of bringing this show together!


Italy 112
10" h x 30" w
mostly finished

Italy 113
10" h x 30" w
mostly finished
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