ohmygoshi'vegottofinishthisandthisandthis..... WAIT!
My goal for today is to make one master list of everything I need to finish, so I can organize my thoughts and breathe a little easier. Preferably of a large size--I love crossing tasks off of a large scale list with a big red marker. It's like seeing "FIN" at the end of a movie. Delightful. A sweep of the brain! Secondly, today will be spent satisfying my body with vegetables and buckets of water. Maybe I'll drink it out of a champagne glass? Since school and work have managed to dominate my life my diet has suffered. I'm sure there are barn animals out there who have been eating better than me--at least slop has some green in it! And I'm positive my blood now has a "Columbian" count with the incredible amount of coffee I've managed to slug. The temple needs some attention.I love this time of month--it's a clean slate! So many opportunities occur in creative darkness! I hope everyone is finding joy in their cleansings and holiday preparations. Many blissings and Blessed Be!~*
Photograph by Molly
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