This is a new painting. The idea of collective memory really interests me because until recently I thought memory was personal, individual and private. I am sure aspects of it are, but to think a group we can have memories is intriguing. Also, the possibility that inherited consciousness from the past may have a subconscious influence on our lives is fascinating. Indeed, it makes one ask questions about the thoughts and beliefs which we carry, but upon deep reflection do not vibrate at the right level for us. Are they part of an inherited consciusness which is not useful in this day and age? How do we rid ourselves of this consciousness particularly if it is not useful? Recognising that it exists is probably the first step.
In this painting I have placed the trans-cultural/religious tree-of-life at the centre of an emanation of thoughts which are represented by the small dots. These thoughts change colour as they move through time to become memories. Yet, everything is connected and a vibration is maintained. The tree-of-life represents everyone...past-present-future.
Next Friday 14 March is the opening of Wonderland: An Exhibition Inspired by Childhood at KILN Gallery http://www.kiln.com.au/ It is a group exhibition and I was invited to participate. I am really looking forward to this show because the theme is different and the gallery itself is fascinating. It is housed in an old Substation Fire Station.
The exhibition will go online on Wednesday 12 March...so have a look.
Collective Memory Oil on linen 80 x 120 cm
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