***I wish to trust in me--
to mean what I say and say what I mean.
I wish to trust my intution--
To relax and listen because my guts know where to go.
What do You wish for?
Life has been happening here at a breakneck pace--so many exciting developments, so little time! Here's a quick peek at what's been shakin' in Apartment Number 5!:
Firstly, I've been asked to lead the organization for a major kick off gala for the Women's Artist Resource Network (W.A.R.N.) here in Milwaukee. I've been buzzing from meeting to meeting, typing minutes, meeting with awesome professional artists of all kinds, visiting studios, creating contact lists and researching decor, floral and video possibilities. This event is PACKED to the gills: three levels of film, red carpet, swag bags, fashion shows, gallery spaces, live music, signiture cocktails, vallet parking and of course, totally Amazing women from floor to ceiling! I can't wait!
I've also been helping my wunderkind mother put together a porfolio that is as rad as she is! We spent all day saturday doing a photoshoot of her incredible costume work. (Here's a pic of her wearing one of her insane vampire creations.) Skallywag Fashions--skandalously fashionable! Her work will be available online soon! We're also collaborating on a Gallery Night fashion show--we're thinking of going with a Nasferatu steam punk theme. We're going to be the best dressed undead in the entire city!
The Famous Graves are in full throttle! We've been compiling lists of new tunes as we'll be performing at the W.A.R.N. gala event this summer! It's good to be back in the swing of playing, and I'm excited to continue exploring jazz as a new Famous Graves frontier. We'll be rehearsing again on Sunday--R.O.C.K!
I've been bussing back and forth from downtown this week as I was invited to participate in the MIAD Thesis exhibition as a performer. It is a BFA show titled "22 Years of Inventory" by the talented sculptress Ashely Gustafson. I play a super snooty arty farty gallery owner. I'm scheduled to go and get a super angular hair cut this next week as to better fit the part--Too fun! More details on that as the show approaches!

For now, I'm off to the closet to find an outfit for the Women in Communications Awards show for tomorrow evening! Also--be sure to check in this coming week. I'm hostessing a give away that is inspired by yOU my blogosphere beauties!
And now my dears, what's been shaking in your universe?
Until Next Time--
Much Joy and Merry Making, Friends!~*
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