Thursday, February 28, 2008
I love opportunities which fall out of the sky. And just recently one of these did. I have been invited to participate in a group exhibition called Wonderland at KILN Gallery, Cnr LaTrobe and Enogerra Tce, Paddington. The details of the show will go online at the gallery's website early next week. The painting I diplayed in my last post will be in the exhibition along with other recent and new works.
I am steadily working on new paintings. I have no plans at this stage for a solo exhibition this year, but I am enjoying creating new work and following my instincts. It is a deliberate decision not to have a solo exhibition. I decided I'd prefer to be in group exhibitions...and the KILN show fell in my lap...enter some competitions [I am off to Stanthorpe today for the opening of the Stanthorpe Art Award for which I have been preselected]...and to make proposals to various galleries for different kinds of exhibitions to happen maybe late this year or into next year.
From The Heart Oil on linen 85 x 147 cm
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Miscellaneous stuff
I am back from Langkawi, people.
Omg so irritating!!!
MSN is being fucked up right now, so I cannot sign into BOTH MSN Live Messenger AND the old lao pok Windows Messenger!!
Recently it seems that a lot of people are starting to play on, a site that allows people to play online Mahjong (among other things) with the other frustrated people who also cannot find MJ kakis in real life (or are unwilling to travel out of house to play MJ, etc).
The problem with MJ is, besides the fact that people slowly start to play bigger and bigger until it starts to become a liability, is that MJ, being a game where money is involved afterall, BRINGS OUT THE WORST IN PEOPLE.
If somebody just threw a Zhong and you throw a Zhong next round only to pay for a 5 tai limit, there is nothing funny about it. Or, if you want to win a 5 tai limit only to have the guy in front of you win your winning card first, that is enough to send the best-tempered of us up in fury.
If those are not enough, perhaps you can try my faithful MJ situation: Throw what draw what. Awesome.
Online MJ is better in this sense, because you only feel a tad annoyed as there is no money involved anyway, and you don't have to face other people's tempers.
Unfortunately, this also means that you are playing with fucking idiots most of the time, because fucking idiots are everywhere.
Ok la, actually to be fair I think most people playing Viwawa are quite ok, except a handful.
This is one conversation I had with a girl. (From what I remember of course)
Stupidly enough, when I first joined (with Wanyi's urging) I didn't know my user id would be shown to everyone whom I play MJ with, so I chose XIAXUE.
Naturally, that is not the wisest choice, although it is indeed a good conversation starter - not that I wanna converse with these people most of the time.
Stupid girl: Xiaxue?
Me: Yeah?
SG: Is that your real name or are you just copying that bitch?
Me: Eh... It's my real name. Very unfortunate to share with her.
SG: Oh. Good. I don't like her.
Me: Why?
SG: No reason. I don't know also leh. I just don't like lor.
(Chao CB don't like people also must have at least a reason right? At least she say she don't like my face also better than this rubbish.)
Me: OK.
SG: She's a bitch man.
(Continue insulting me somemore! Lao niang never saw her in my life and never did anything to her!)
- After another 10 mins of peaceful playing with mundane chatting -
SG, asking table in general: How old are you guys?
Me: I'm 24 this year.
SG: I'm 17. (Juvenile idiots...)
SG, continues: Anyone here from SP?
Me: I was from SP last time.
SG: Oh! So what are you doing now?
Me: What if I told you I am blogging for a living?
SG: I suppose that's possible.
At this point, this other guy from the table who has been quietly listening to this conversation decided it's time to burst out of his shy shell.
Stupid girl: ... (she keep doing these dots. You can see that she can clearly express herself very well)
OGFT: So Xiaxue, how's your nose?
Xiaxue: Good good... One year already!
SG: ...
SG: You are not Xiaxue.
Me: really? Why?
SG: For one your English is not so good.
Me: What?! English here not good or on the blog not good?
SG: Here not good.
Me: I am chatting why would I use perfect English here?!?!?
SG: And for 2, you are too nice.
Me: ??? I am nice to people who are nice to me and mean to people who are mean to me la! Everyone is what!!
SG: ...
SG, continues: You are confirm not Xiaxue.
Me: Ok. (Little fucker slut trying to tell me what I am and what I am not!)
SG: Xiaxue would never use such a lame user pic. (If I didn't know she hated me I'd think she's my greatest fan...)
Me: What?! I think my user pic totally looks like me.

Now for those of you who don't know, Viwawa allows all their users to create a little avatar doll that looks like what I showed. You can change her (or his) hair, eyes, clothes etc. Everyone's doll looks more or less the same with different colours and features.
SG screeched.
Me, a little impatiently and indignantly: Why does it not? I have blonde hair and I'm tan and I totally have that dress in real life!!
SG: ...
And with that last "..." she left the mahjong room highly agitated.
Just now, I got another irritating online MJ kaki. By this time I've learnt my lesson, decided against using Xiaxue and created another account.
Me: Fucking MSN is not allowing me to sign in again!
Another stupid person: Oei!!!
ASP: No fowl language please! (And yes she spelt it this way)
Me: Why? Are you underaged?
ASP: No. Mother of 2.
Me: Oic. Well... Are your kids sitting on your lap now reading what I say?
ASP: Nope.
Me: Then I don't see what the problem is.
ASP: Keep it clean please.
Me: Stop being a prude and telling people what to do.
And with that I leave the room. And I cannot go on MSN to complain to people, so here I am blogging!! WTFFFFFFFFFFFFF??! There are so many fucking retards around I tell you!!
Irritating la! I fucking hate all these moralistic high browed fuckers.
I don't care if you think foul language is a no-no for your freaking children, but there are people in this world who are not living their lives for your kids ok! If you don't want your kids to hear foul language, I'm sorry, but the only way is to dig out his eardrums lor!! If I don't say, then his fucking classmates will to anyway, what's the big fucking deal?!
And besides, the fucking kids are not even looking at the monitor or what! It's not like I am saying FUCK to her kids' faces!!
Annoying leh these people!!
I'm gonna abruptly change topic and ask you all to check out the new videos from Click Network.
Thinking of not looking like a whale anymore?? Yet, you are so lazy and your hands seem to, on their own accord, steal all your friends' KFC chicken skins when they are not looking? LOOK NO FURTHER!! Acupuncture might be the solution for you!!
Or you can just get a sadistic pleasure out of watching me get poked by needles.
Love spicy food?? Bet you still can't beat either of these crazy people, as Paul Twohill and Kaykay go on a rampage to find out who can conquer that deceivingly small chilli padi. Among other very, very spicy stuff. *shudders*
p/s: I've got my Langkawi trip's photos to edit so I'll update with all the photos as soon as possible. Langkawi was awesome!!! And I am super tan now!! Comments not allowed.
Omg so irritating!!!
MSN is being fucked up right now, so I cannot sign into BOTH MSN Live Messenger AND the old lao pok Windows Messenger!!
Recently it seems that a lot of people are starting to play on, a site that allows people to play online Mahjong (among other things) with the other frustrated people who also cannot find MJ kakis in real life (or are unwilling to travel out of house to play MJ, etc).
The problem with MJ is, besides the fact that people slowly start to play bigger and bigger until it starts to become a liability, is that MJ, being a game where money is involved afterall, BRINGS OUT THE WORST IN PEOPLE.
If somebody just threw a Zhong and you throw a Zhong next round only to pay for a 5 tai limit, there is nothing funny about it. Or, if you want to win a 5 tai limit only to have the guy in front of you win your winning card first, that is enough to send the best-tempered of us up in fury.
If those are not enough, perhaps you can try my faithful MJ situation: Throw what draw what. Awesome.
Online MJ is better in this sense, because you only feel a tad annoyed as there is no money involved anyway, and you don't have to face other people's tempers.
Unfortunately, this also means that you are playing with fucking idiots most of the time, because fucking idiots are everywhere.
Ok la, actually to be fair I think most people playing Viwawa are quite ok, except a handful.
This is one conversation I had with a girl. (From what I remember of course)
Stupidly enough, when I first joined (with Wanyi's urging) I didn't know my user id would be shown to everyone whom I play MJ with, so I chose XIAXUE.
Naturally, that is not the wisest choice, although it is indeed a good conversation starter - not that I wanna converse with these people most of the time.
Stupid girl: Xiaxue?
Me: Yeah?
SG: Is that your real name or are you just copying that bitch?
- She apparently never considered it an option that it could really be me.-
Me: Eh... It's my real name. Very unfortunate to share with her.
SG: Oh. Good. I don't like her.
Me: Why?
SG: No reason. I don't know also leh. I just don't like lor.
(Chao CB don't like people also must have at least a reason right? At least she say she don't like my face also better than this rubbish.)
Me: OK.
SG: She's a bitch man.
(Continue insulting me somemore! Lao niang never saw her in my life and never did anything to her!)
- After another 10 mins of peaceful playing with mundane chatting -
SG, asking table in general: How old are you guys?
Me: I'm 24 this year.
SG: I'm 17. (Juvenile idiots...)
SG, continues: Anyone here from SP?
Me: I was from SP last time.
SG: Oh! So what are you doing now?
Me: What if I told you I am blogging for a living?
- There was a pregnant 3 sec pause -
SG: I suppose that's possible.
At this point, this other guy from the table who has been quietly listening to this conversation decided it's time to burst out of his shy shell.
Stupid girl: ... (she keep doing these dots. You can see that she can clearly express herself very well)
- There was another pregnant pause. -
OGFT: So Xiaxue, how's your nose?
Xiaxue: Good good... One year already!
SG: ...
(OGFT and I chat and ignore the dotting retard)
SG: You are not Xiaxue.
Me: really? Why?
SG: For one your English is not so good.
Me: What?! English here not good or on the blog not good?
SG: Here not good.
Me: I am chatting why would I use perfect English here?!?!?
SG: And for 2, you are too nice.
Me: ??? I am nice to people who are nice to me and mean to people who are mean to me la! Everyone is what!!
SG: ...
SG, continues: You are confirm not Xiaxue.
Me: Ok. (Little fucker slut trying to tell me what I am and what I am not!)
SG: Xiaxue would never use such a lame user pic. (If I didn't know she hated me I'd think she's my greatest fan...)
Me: What?! I think my user pic totally looks like me.
Now for those of you who don't know, Viwawa allows all their users to create a little avatar doll that looks like what I showed. You can change her (or his) hair, eyes, clothes etc. Everyone's doll looks more or less the same with different colours and features.
SG screeched.
I finally understood how it feels like to be all "..." because I was literally speechless.
Me, a little impatiently and indignantly: Why does it not? I have blonde hair and I'm tan and I totally have that dress in real life!!
SG: ...
And with that last "..." she left the mahjong room highly agitated.
Just now, I got another irritating online MJ kaki. By this time I've learnt my lesson, decided against using Xiaxue and created another account.
Me: Fucking MSN is not allowing me to sign in again!
Another stupid person: Oei!!!
(I ignored her)
ASP: No fowl language please! (And yes she spelt it this way)
Me: Why? Are you underaged?
ASP: No. Mother of 2.
Me: Oic. Well... Are your kids sitting on your lap now reading what I say?
ASP: Nope.
Me: Then I don't see what the problem is.
ASP: Keep it clean please.
Me: Stop being a prude and telling people what to do.
And with that I leave the room. And I cannot go on MSN to complain to people, so here I am blogging!! WTFFFFFFFFFFFFF??! There are so many fucking retards around I tell you!!
Irritating la! I fucking hate all these moralistic high browed fuckers.
I don't care if you think foul language is a no-no for your freaking children, but there are people in this world who are not living their lives for your kids ok! If you don't want your kids to hear foul language, I'm sorry, but the only way is to dig out his eardrums lor!! If I don't say, then his fucking classmates will to anyway, what's the big fucking deal?!
And besides, the fucking kids are not even looking at the monitor or what! It's not like I am saying FUCK to her kids' faces!!
Annoying leh these people!!
I'm gonna abruptly change topic and ask you all to check out the new videos from Click Network.
Thinking of not looking like a whale anymore?? Yet, you are so lazy and your hands seem to, on their own accord, steal all your friends' KFC chicken skins when they are not looking? LOOK NO FURTHER!! Acupuncture might be the solution for you!!
Or you can just get a sadistic pleasure out of watching me get poked by needles.
Love spicy food?? Bet you still can't beat either of these crazy people, as Paul Twohill and Kaykay go on a rampage to find out who can conquer that deceivingly small chilli padi. Among other very, very spicy stuff. *shudders*
p/s: I've got my Langkawi trip's photos to edit so I'll update with all the photos as soon as possible. Langkawi was awesome!!! And I am super tan now!! Comments not allowed.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Win $10,000 cash and a chance to be on the cover of FHM!
Ladies, Munkysuperstar Pictures is casting for a brand new Channel 5 TV show looking for the ultimate superbabe and FHM cover girl!
If you think you have what it takes, please email with your name, age, contact number, occupation, and a recent photo of yourself.
Auditions for the show are ongoing till March 2nd, 2008.
- Between 18 - 30 years old
- Attractive
- Outspoken
- Most importantly: look great in a bikini!
Please spread the word and forward this to everyone you know; you might actually see one of them on TV in the future!
Monday, February 18, 2008
Jetting Off
How lucky am I?
I'm jetting off today via Silkair to Langkawi for a short trip!
It's 1056am now as I am typing this, and I haven't slept yet coz I played overnight MJ, haha... I woke up at 5pm.
Yesterday I woke up at 9pm and went to White Sands to collect a parcel at 11am (haven't sleep yet obviously).
I brought a burger into the cab on the way home, and the cab driver was like, "WAH... Your breakfast ah?!"
Tired beyond words, I just said yeah to un-complicate things, since the burger was actually more like my... supper?
And the Cab Uncle commented, "Wah! So late then eat breakfast? Almost lunch already!"
Is it so unfathomable that some people sleep (extremely) late?
I'm going off on a SPONSORED TRIP for an advertorial!!! All thanks to the lovely, lovely, NUFFNANG!! (Which I support 100% btw - do check out their site for their BDAE freebies!!)
Qihua is going with me (since Mike can't get off), and there is nothing better than a trip that is not only free but actually pays you money!! Awesome.
I'm gonna go sleep now, so I'll update whenever I can. I'm bringing my lappie with me!
Luv luv!!
I'm jetting off today via Silkair to Langkawi for a short trip!
It's 1056am now as I am typing this, and I haven't slept yet coz I played overnight MJ, haha... I woke up at 5pm.
Yesterday I woke up at 9pm and went to White Sands to collect a parcel at 11am (haven't sleep yet obviously).
I brought a burger into the cab on the way home, and the cab driver was like, "WAH... Your breakfast ah?!"
Tired beyond words, I just said yeah to un-complicate things, since the burger was actually more like my... supper?
And the Cab Uncle commented, "Wah! So late then eat breakfast? Almost lunch already!"
Is it so unfathomable that some people sleep (extremely) late?
I'm going off on a SPONSORED TRIP for an advertorial!!! All thanks to the lovely, lovely, NUFFNANG!! (Which I support 100% btw - do check out their site for their BDAE freebies!!)
Qihua is going with me (since Mike can't get off), and there is nothing better than a trip that is not only free but actually pays you money!! Awesome.
I'm gonna go sleep now, so I'll update whenever I can. I'm bringing my lappie with me!
Luv luv!!
Monday, February 11, 2008
Good morning everyone!!!
Apparently, everytime I blog something vaguely about sex I get onto the Chinese tabloid headlines, which is really quite irritating. (The previous entry got onto Shin Min. WTF?!)
Anyway I am so kpo about the Edison Chen scandal!!
I saw this photo of Cecilia Cheung, and I just burst out laughing...
I know it's very mean to laugh at a badly taken photo of her at this point la, but really lor, she so chio also can have a horrible photo!!
Her expression is just really funny! And her body look like starved African child leh, so skinny... She looks like she was just saying to Edison: "Oei stop taking the photos for a while, I'm not prepared!" then he still continue snapping. LOL!!!
NSFW and not for underaged people whose irresponsible parents are allowing them to go online freely!
AHEM. The entry, in case it is illegal, is not written by me.
New videos on Clicknetwork!!
Till I next get inspired, tata!!
(Comments disabled still, sorry...)
p/s: I am looking for a part-time maid!! If you got a good one to intro and she charges $10 per hour and doesn't mind coming to the east, tell me can?
My current maid is damn shitty lor, she ai mai then cancel on me, and I pay her to work 4 hours and she leaves after 2?!?! WTF? And she does a shitty half-fucked job!!
p/p/s: Don't intro chio maid hor... You know angmohs like to fuck maids lor! Mike doesn't APPEAR to be that sort but you'll never know. So better if it's lao auntie.
p/p/p/s: I know you are thinking: "You don't blog, you don't work... you laze around all day and yet you want a maid!? Why can't you clean your own house?"
Because, my dear... Life is too short to be doing stuff you don't like, especially if you can afford not to!!
My email is Loves!!
Apparently, everytime I blog something vaguely about sex I get onto the Chinese tabloid headlines, which is really quite irritating. (The previous entry got onto Shin Min. WTF?!)
Anyway I am so kpo about the Edison Chen scandal!!
I saw this photo of Cecilia Cheung, and I just burst out laughing...
I know it's very mean to laugh at a badly taken photo of her at this point la, but really lor, she so chio also can have a horrible photo!!
Her expression is just really funny! And her body look like starved African child leh, so skinny... She looks like she was just saying to Edison: "Oei stop taking the photos for a while, I'm not prepared!" then he still continue snapping. LOL!!!
Anyway, I think by now most of you have already seen the photos, so if you wanna read my main blog entry for today (which is about the photo scandal), click HERE.
NSFW and not for underaged people whose irresponsible parents are allowing them to go online freely!
AHEM. The entry, in case it is illegal, is not written by me.
New videos on Clicknetwork!!
Since you horrid people are constantly harping on me being fat,
I've decided to lose weight!
Maybe I can also teach you how to do it without exercising...
I've decided to lose weight!
Maybe I can also teach you how to do it without exercising...
There's nothing more funny than watching famous people get drunk.
Who is the better drunk, Paul Twohill or Kaykay?
Click la, then you can find out!
Who is the better drunk, Paul Twohill or Kaykay?
Click la, then you can find out!
Till I next get inspired, tata!!
(Comments disabled still, sorry...)
p/s: I am looking for a part-time maid!! If you got a good one to intro and she charges $10 per hour and doesn't mind coming to the east, tell me can?
My current maid is damn shitty lor, she ai mai then cancel on me, and I pay her to work 4 hours and she leaves after 2?!?! WTF? And she does a shitty half-fucked job!!
p/p/s: Don't intro chio maid hor... You know angmohs like to fuck maids lor! Mike doesn't APPEAR to be that sort but you'll never know. So better if it's lao auntie.
p/p/p/s: I know you are thinking: "You don't blog, you don't work... you laze around all day and yet you want a maid!? Why can't you clean your own house?"
Because, my dear... Life is too short to be doing stuff you don't like, especially if you can afford not to!!
My email is Loves!!
Saturday, February 9, 2008

Over this weekend I have been attending one of the most interesting conferences I have have ever been to. It is the GLOBAL ACTION TO PREVENT WAR: A COALITION-BUILDING EFFORT TO STOP WAR, GENOCIDE, AND INTERNAL ARMED CONFLICT conference which is being hosted by the Australian Center for Peace and Conflict Studies at the University of Queensland. The speakers are world class and indeed come from all corners. Check their website out @ Today I heard and learnt about violence/conflict in Central America, and East Timor. Yesterday I learnt about guns control and arms dealing/movement. I heard about the latest efforts of the UN. One speaker called war a disease and maybe prevention should be treated just like disease prevention. So much to think about and to hope for.
The guest speaker last night was a man called Steve Killelea founder of Vision for Humanity and the energiser for the development of the “Global Peace Index and Delivering Peace Dividends” . The role of business in peace and the benefits of peace for business are core elements to be understood. Check out
I was also alterted to Ranan Lurie's [the famous cartoonist] Uniting Painting which is installed at the UN in NY. The concept is to make it a continuous painting which moves throughout the world. Check out An amazing man and family. Plus the Uniting Painting is fantastic to look at and in concept.
One thing I am very pleased about is the obvious understanding that art has a place to play in the Peace process. It is acknowledged by academics, UN reps and people who work on the ground.
Into My Galaxy Oil on linen 80 x 120 cm
Saturday, February 2, 2008

I am very excited to report that my painting 'Shared Time' has been preselected for the $15,000 Stanthorpe Art Prize which is announced in a couple of weeks. A good way to start 2008.
I have been thinking about the UN's recent announcement of 4 new Peace Ambassadors. It prompted me to google the UN to look at who have been made Peace and Goodwill Ambassadors over the last few years. Well, searching the UN website for this topic is not easy. However, I did find some information. I was searching because I am intrigued about the large number of 'artists' who have been made these wonderfully titled Ambassadors. They are musicians, actors, authors and so on. Mind you, I have not found a visual artist among them....but I have not been able to do a conclusive search so there maybe a visual artist somewhere. But, the bottom line is that the list is predominantly made up of artists in the literary, musical and acting worlds. That's absolutely fine because these people are good with words, performing and getting up in front of people.
In the past I have been a bit sceptical about the UN's Peace Ambassadorial announcements. It seemed to me that the UN was using the celebrity status of people to draw attention without considering any underlying depth. That said, I can understand the tactic of embracing celebrity to enhance a cause because in this day and age a celebrity is going to attract media and mass attention. Celebrity on its own is a wondrous thing, but what about the person who has somehow been bestowed this label? What about the 'artist' that lurks underneath the veneer of celebrity?
I have thought about this a reasonable amount. Is it the 'celebrity' element or the 'artist' element which really carries the truth about these appointments. I suspect that UN and others are not even aware that whilst the celebrity component attracts it is really the 'artist' which holds the depth and compassion needed to carry the import of these appointments. Artists look at the world differently, they communicate differently. They provide an alternative viewpoint, paint pictures with words, gesture, paint, movement and sound. They stir the human being at levels we do not truly understand.
So, whilst there are famous sports stars and people from the political and diplomatic worlds on the list of Peace Ambassador they are outnumbered by the artists. And, I think it is the artists who can make a difference. Some recent recruits to the Ambassaorial ranks are Daniel Barenboim who is a world famous conductor and pianist, Yo-Yo Ma who is a reknown cellist, Elie Wiesel a Nobel Prize Laureate and George Clooney an Academy Award Actor.
The one person with the mass media celebrity status of a Star in the latest Ambassadorial recruits is Mr. Clooney. People may scoff but he is an artist and since making films such as Syriana, Good Night and Good Luck, Michael Clayton we can see there is more than just a pretty face to this man. His efforts in Darfur are also worthy of anyone who tries to make a difference. He shares with his other artist Ambassadors a way of thinking which the western world might be able to feel at some level but cannot identify. My experiences in the Middle East suggest to me that those who live outside the West will and do understand.
Shared Time 120 x 137 cm Oil on linen
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